10 changes that to be brought to human society by Covid-19

Every pandemic in history has brought a lot of changes in human life in one way or another. This is not the first time that we have seen these kinds of things happen. But this time Covid-19 will definitely bring a lot of changes to our personal or Social life. Let’s talk about such 10 changes.

  1. At the end of the Corona pandemic, there should be a major change in our social transparency system. Spitting in public places should be stopped. It is one of the leading causes of many infectious diseases. There should be an awareness of this at all levels of society. In the meantime, states like Bihar in India have enacted laws declaring it a punishable offense.
  2. The concept of work-from-home has become quite popular during this time of lockdown. In the future, many companies and organizations will be able to provide work from home service and this will be at a higher rate than at present. This will bring a balance between human career and personal life.
  3. The idea of ​​interacting with people through video conferencing will be further developed. During the lockdown, the Supreme Court and High Courts of India have also been conducting hearings through video conferencing. This idea will be even more popular in the future. The tendency to fly from one city to another for a short visit is likely to be significantly reduced. It will also help in balancing the environment pollution.
  4. Social media can be expected to change some of the perceptions we use as a medium of communication. The present police administration has also taken appropriate measures for this. There seems to be some psychological change in this area among the common man.
  5. The concept of telemedicine will become even more popular in India. Telemedicine is a means of communicating with doctors in urban areas through video conferencing to diagnose and dispense medicine to patients in remote rural areas. This concept has become quite popular in this era of the Covid-19 pandemic and maintaining social distance. This will become a common system in the future.
  6. Personal health and affluence, which are a part of daily life, should be given more importance than bank balances. Spending time with family, exercising or meditating, etc., should be given more importance than before.
  7. People will give more importance to eating in the kitchen of reliable house than eating in a hotel or restaurant. Confidence in public transport will decrease. Delivery of goods through drones or anti-virus robots will soon be in place. It will also bring a huge change in the business world.
  8. There will be a big change in the social behavior of the people. Public gathering will be hard to believe. It is better to have a small party than to have a big party.
  9. Now-a-days, the public is becoming more and more aware of personal hygiene. It will continue to be a part of human practice in the future. It has already become a habit for many people to use masks when they go out and to wash their hands frequently with soap.
  10. Governments of different countries have come to understand why more investment should be made in the health sector than other sectors. It is hoped that in the future our governments will give more importance to the health sector, increase the number of visits and immunization units in government hospitals.

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